My Office Rival

He gave me the best night of my life and never looked back. I'm not sure I'll survive being his rival...or his roommate.

Jason Elliott is annoyingly handsome, uptight, and frustrating. And incredible in bed. How do I know? We spent a single scorching night together, before promising to forget it ever happened.

Now he's opposing counsel on the biggest deal of my career, which means the past doesn't matter.

Only winning does.

At least until a booking error lands us in the same rental house. Different bedrooms…but sharing a wall. It means I hear every sigh, every groan coming from his side. They say keep your enemies close, but this one is too close for comfort.

He’s sexy, funny, a little bit dark...and a lot more complicated than I ever imagined. The closer we get, the more I want him.

Jason seems to think getting me back in bed means winning this deal. But falling for Mr. One Night? I’m not getting burned again.